For this project I didn't even think to make a post about it because I was making it up as I went and only had an hour to do it before the kids came home!
We were using a large tupperware placed upside down for the kids to step on to get onto the tramp - that was a problem for me. It was bright, eye-catching and was starting to cave in!
Mom to the rescue!
Once I finished, I realized that it was not only functional (as all ladders usually are), but it was sturdy, EASY & quick to make - plus I loved the built in 'handles' at the top for holding onto! Did I mention it's sturdy!?
WARNING: This ladder is NOT recommend if you don't have a safety net surrounding your trampoline because the 'handles' stick up and it would be easy for a face to hit into the wood. Please be cautious!
For me, I used scrap lumber I had in my shed... BUT I found a way that you can build this for around $7.50 by using a 2x6 that is 12-feet long for the whole thing (plus a 16" scrap of whatever you have laying around - dimension isn't important because it's just a stretcher in the back).
12 4"-long screws
16 3-1/2"-long screws
Wood Finish (if you desire)
Miter Saw
Table Saw for Ripping (I used my Kreg Rip Cut Jig)
Angle Tool (recommended)
2-4 Wood Clamps (at least 20" long)

Here's your 2x6x12-foot board... It's kind of long to stick in your mini van so have the lumber department cut off 48" (actually, 49" to account for the saw blade for other cuts). When you get home, cut the 49" section into 3-16" pieces for your steps. Rip the remaining length in half for your side pieces - they'll be slightly wider than 2.5" which doesn't really matter (but I'll call them 2.5" from here). Find a scrap piece of wood and cut to 16" for your back stretcher (dimension doesn't matter).
Set the miter on your saw to make 30-degree cuts.
You should be able to make your cuts by looking at this image, as well as the one before with your board-cutting layout, however... I will attempt to write it out (and maybe confuse you more?):
We'll start by cutting the longest piece because it needs a flat end which you'll keep in tact. Make your first angle cut so it's 55" from the flat end to where the longest point on your miter. Cut. Flip your board 2 times to make your next miter (so it creates a trapezoid shape). Measure 28" from the longest point of your angle to where the long point of your next angle cut will be. Cut. Flip your board 2 times to make your next miter (so it creates a trapezoid shape). Measure 13" from the longest point of your angle to where the long point of your next angle cut will be. Cut. Repeat with last 2x3 section.

Cut off 45-degree corners from the flat end of your 55" pieces.
Arrange your pieces like this for each of your side sections. Lay them flat on the ground with the legs butted up against something straight. I pre-drilled holes for 4" screws to attach my pieces (I used 2 screws for each joint which equals 6 for each side).
This little angle tool came in handy with this project for marking where to place my steps. I held it up to the bottom edge of the board pictured and secured the angle tight. For the steps, measure 11", 22" & 33" from the bottom (longest) corner up; set your angle tool on the marks and score across the full width of the board.
Your steps will hang over the side pieces like this and you'll align the bottom of the steps with the markings you made in the previous step.
The best way to screw the structure together, I think, is to stand up both end pieces on a flat surface, with the backs butted up against a wall. Carefully (and awkwardly) clamp your steps between the side pieces along the placement markings. Once you get the bottom step clamped it's pretty easy going from there. A mallet came in handy for nudging the steps around to exactly where I wanted them once they were clamped. I used a clamp for each step (place above/below so they're not in the way for drilling/screwing). Then I used a 4th clamp for the back stretcher (placement isn't critical, just where ever you want). If you don't have clamps or only have a few.. improvise! I've used ratcheting straps before (lol) or do one step at a time.
Pre-drill holes for placing 2 3-1/2" screws in each side of your steps/back stretcher, for a total of 8 on each side.
Sand to avoid splinters, especially at the top where the kids will hold.
I used Flood stain, the same as our chicken coop, and it is SO easy & fast to use!
DONE! Not too bad for under $8 in wood & 1-2 hours of time, eh!?
Labels: DIY, tutorial, woodworking